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Equity In Action

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted existing system gaps and exacerbated health inequities experienced by various equity-deserving groups. Throughout the pandemic, certain groups have experienced disproportionately high rates of infection and poorer health outcomes related to COVID-19. 

The “Equity in Action” project aims to minimize the gap by collecting and sharing stories of interventions that have successfully promoted health equity in pandemic planning, response, and recovery. Public health practitioners across Canada, recognizing the importance of the social and structural determinants of health, have implemented interventions to promote equitable pandemic responses. This repository of positive narratives can facilitate learning and connection among Public Health Practitioners in Canada and guide equity-based planning through pandemic recovery and beyond. It is critical to lift the voices of community leaders as a source of evidence to help guide and promote equity-driven interventions in health promotion, disease prevention and future emergency preparedness planning.  

Acknowledgements & Suggested Citation   

Thank you to all who told their story, their organizations, and partners who took time to reflect on and share their stories of how they took action to advance health equity. Project coordination and story writing by Caralyn Vossen, Knowledge Translation Coordinator. 

If you’d like to share your story of equity in action, please email [email protected]

Please cite an Equity in Action story as follows: National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health. (Publishing date: Year, Month, Day of Individual Story). Equity in Action Story Title. Equity in Action. 

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Children & Youth , Collaboration , COVID-19 |