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A review of frameworks on the determinants of health

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Frameworks are used to visually represent complex ideas or concepts. Numerous frameworks exist to help explain the relationship between the social determinants and health experiences and outcomes. The Canadian Council on the Social Determinants of Health commissioned a review of these frameworks to identify those that best support action across multiple sectors.

This report provides a brief analysis of 37 frameworks on the determinants of health, and an in-depth analysis of seven frameworks deemed most useful for understanding and acting on the social determinants across sectors. The study and use of these frameworks can help shift public health practice towards more intersectoral, development-oriented, upstream approaches.

The frameworks were analysed to determine how well they:

  • reflect an intersectoral perspective;
  • identify points of entry for different sectors;
  • demonstrate how different sectors can take action to maximize impact; and
  • include ecological factors, the Canadian context, and Aboriginal health.

The frameworks are categorized as 1) explanatory, used to explain the concept of health determinants to uninitiated audiences; 2) interactive, identifying points of interaction and the relationships between them; or 3) action-oriented, focusing on the decision or policy-making process.

Use this resource to:

  • Understand the interaction between the determinants of health and health outcomes
  • Identify ways to influence the determinants of health and health equity
  • Shift public health practice towards more intersectoral, development-oriented, upstream approaches.


Related resource:

Taking stock of the social determinants of health: A scoping review (2017)


Canadian Council on Social Determinants of Health. (2015). A review of frameworks on the determinants of health. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Council on Social Determinants of Health. Retrieved from

Tags: Methods & tools, Assess and report, Document, Report / Document