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Climate change, health equity and public health responses: A curated list

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The National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health (NCCDH) has compiled this list of resources to increase understanding of climate change as an urgent public health issue. The document is also meant to help situate climate change and health equity as being inextricably linked and support emerging public health practice in this area.

The selected resources have been organized into three categories:  

  • Climate change and public health
  • Climate change and health equity
  • Opportunities for equity-focused public health action

Use these resources to:  

  • reflect on what a changing climate means for human health;
  • understand how climate change exacerbates existing health inequities;
  • facilitate discussions about the extent to which health equity is considered within your organization’s current actions to address climate change; and
  • identify opportunities to further centre equity in public health responses to climate change.


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National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health. (2019). Climate Change, Health Equity and Public Health Responses: A Curated List. Antigonish, NS: NCCDH, St. Francis Xavier University.

Tags: Key concepts, Climate change, Document, Curated Reading List