Pan-Canadian Health Inequalities data tool, 2017 edition
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This data tool from the Pan-Canadian Health Inequalities Reporting Initiative is designed to help program analysts, policy analysts and public health practitioners to identify which health issues and populations are experiencing the greatest level of inequity. Once such areas have been identified, the resource is meant to inform priorities for action. Partners in this initiative include the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), the Pan-Canadian Public Health Network (PHN), Statistics Canada and the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI).
The Pan-Canadian Health Inequalities data tool includes over 70 indicators of health outcomes and determinants drawn from 13 national data sources, including indicators for health status and health determinants (daily living conditions and structural drivers). The data is disaggregated by 14 social and demographic stratifiers meaningful to health equity, including socioeconomic status, Indigeneity and place of residence, as well as demographics such as age, racial background and sexual orientation. Various effect measures and population impact measures can be accessed, allowing a deeper interpretation of the data. Chosen data can also be displayed visually in the form of charts, which can be downloaded for incorporation into other products or for further dissemination.
An accompanying report on Key Health Inequalities in Canada describes 22 of the most widespread health inequalities in Canada. This report also identifies priority areas for federal and provincial/territorial action and monitoring, including data on Indigenous Peoples living on reserve and in northern communities. Together, the data tool and health inequalities report can inform how public health research, programs and services can better address health inequities.
Use this resource to
- generate research questions about the relationships between indicators of health status and how they can be stratified to indicate inequities in health outcomes;
- facilitate a discussion about which populations are experiencing which types of health issues and inequities;
- inform public health prioritization and program planning activities; and
- support and inform surveillance activities when planning health status reporting.
Public Health Agency of Canada, the Pan-Canadian Public Health Network, Statistics Canada and the Canadian Institute of Health Information. (2017). Pan-Canadian health inequalities data tool, 2017 edition. Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC): Canada.
Related resources
- Equity integrated population health status reporting: Action framework (2016)
- Population health status reporting: The learning together series (2012)
- Trends in income-related health inequalities in Canada: A summary report (2015)
- Maps to inform intersectoral planning and action (2014)
- Promoting health equity — Choosing appropriate indicators: Literature scan (2013)
Tags: Socioeconomic status, Assess and report, Public Health Agency of Canada, Tool