Podcast episode transcript & companion document: Bonus episode – Tackling weight discrimination in nutrition and public health
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“A lot of the times that weight bias and discrimination, it also devalues cultural foods. It perpetuates false stereotypes, and that can cause a lot of harm in terms of our physical, emotional, mental well-being.” – Lillian Yin (Mind the Disruption, Season 1, Episode 9)
Mind the Disruption is a NCCDH podcast about people who refuse to accept things as they are. It’s about people pushing for better health for all. It’s about people like us who have a deep desire to build a healthier, more just world.
You can consume Episode 9 in two ways: 1) by listening to the episode and/or 2) by reading this episode transcript and companion document.
This episode transcript and companion document, available in English and French, provides a new way to engage with the Mind the Disruption podcast. It includes a written transcript of Season 1, Episode 9 “Bonus episode – Tackling weight discrimination in nutrition and public health” with key quotes and related resources to prompt further reflection, sharing and exploration.
About this episode: Season 1 of Mind the Disruption was a success! We’ve decided to release bonus content from three episodes. This stand-alone episode features more from registered dietitian Lillian Yin who works at Vancouver Coastal Health and who was a reflective guest on Episode 5 – “Disrupting food insecurity & fat phobia.” Lillian joins us to talk about why weight discrimination is so harmful. She shares her vision for a nourishing future of public health and nutrition as well as practical ways to challenge weight bias and discrimination in our daily lives and areas of work.
Use this resource to
Facilitate discussion about the negative health and health equity impacts of weight bias and discrimination
Use evidence to modify or reorient public health services, programs and policies to be weight-inclusive and to reduce weight stigma
Use and share this episode transcript to learn about pressing health equity and social and structural determinants of health issues and solutions
Explore embedded related resources from NCCDH and others to support public health action on negative health and health equity impacts of weight bias and discrimination
Related resources:
Foodshare’s statement on body liberation and fat acceptance
The Focus is on Health, Not Weight
Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia
National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health. (2024). Podcast episode transcript & companion document: Bonus episode – Tackling weight discrimination in nutrition and public health (Mind the Disruption, Season 1, Episode 9). Antigonish, NS: NCCDH, St. Francis Xavier University.
Tags: Food security, Modify and orient interventions, Audio, Podcast