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Public Health Speaks: Public health leadership for health equity

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Leadership is often cited as critical to public health action on the social determinants of health to advance health equity.

The National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health hosted an online conversation in the Health Equity Clicks online community to explore questions of leadership and health equity, specifically:

What does effective public health leadership for the social determinants of health and health equity entail and how can it be developed?

The conversation took place in January 2013, and was moderated by Sume Ndumbe-Eyoh, Knowledge Translation Specialist. Guest contributors Monika Dutt, Trevor Hancock, and Jane Underwood kicked-off the conversation, and were soon followed by other members of the Health Equity Clicks community.

This summary includes the conversation highlights, and practice examples and resources shared by participants.

Use this resource to:

  • Identify leadership approaches that support action on health equity
  • Identify actions that demonstrate public health leadership
  • Discover resources related to public health leadership


Related resources:

Public Health Speaks: Leadership for health equity [video]
Leadership for health equity: Working intersectorally and engaging the community in Western Health
Public health leadership development in Canada
What contributes to successful public health leadership for health equity? An appreciative inquiry
Fostering health through healing: engaging the community to create a poverty reduction strategy in Nunavut
Alberta Health Services: Establishing a province-wide social determinants of health and health equity approach


National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health. (2015). Public Health Speaks: Public Health Leadership for Health Equity. Antigonish, NS: National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health, St. Francis Xavier University.

Tags: Leadership & capacity building, Document, Report / Document, Public Health Speaks