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Learning from Practice

Learning to work differently: Implementing Ontario’s SDOH Public Health Nurse Initiative

This case study explores the development and implementation of social determinant of health public health nurse (SDH PHN) positions across Ontario’s 36 public health agencies. The report explores the supports and barriers to implementing equity-focused positions to improve public health organization capacity to act on SDH and advance health equity. This is one of a series of case studies about leadership for health equity.

Learning from practice:  Equity in influenza Prevention in Saskatoon

This is the story of Saskatoon Health Region’s (SHR) work to improve immunization rates and reduce the spread of influenza in Saskatoon’s six core neighbourhoods. SHR’s existing strong socio-economic and health disparities data made it possible to prioritize these core neighbourhoods for H1N1 vaccination programs.

Learning from practice:  Equity in influenza prevention in Manitoba

This story describes how Manitoba Health, Healthy Living and Seniors prioritized Aboriginal peoples in its response to the 2009-10 H1N1 influenza pandemic, and used this experience to further develop influenza prevention and immunization equity measures.