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Modify and orient interventions

Still swimming against the tide? A follow-up study to explore Ontario-based social determinants of health public health nurses’ experiences in role enactment

This resource explores the role of the social determinants of health public health nurse in Ontario since 2015. The findings of this study describe a compelling opportunity for public health units across Canada to enable public health nurses to meaningfully address the structural and social determinants of health and advance health equity.

British Columbia’s Population and Public Health Framework: Strengthening public health

Join us for an engaging webinar exploring British Columbia's Population and Public Health Framework: Strengthening Public Health. Participants will gain valuable insight into wise practices and lessons learned, and opportunities to continue to collaborate toward equitable and sustainable population and public health action.

Learning from Practice: Implementing health equity frameworks to guide health equity action

This resource, based on interviews with practitioners from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, captures practice-based learning that public health can use when co-creating and implementing health equity frameworks and taking other actions to advance health equity.

Podcast Episode Transcript & Companion Document: Bonus episode – Tackling weight discrimination in nutrition and public health (Mind the Disruption, Season 1, Episode 9)

This episode companion document provides a new way to engage with the Mind the Disruption podcast. It includes a written transcript of Season 1, Episode 9 “Bonus episode – Tackling weight discrimination in nutrition and public health” with key quotes and related resources to prompt further reflection and exploration.

Health equity frameworks as a tool to support public health action: A curated list

This curated resource list presents 10 actionable health equity frameworks, covering a range of topics where public health action is required (e.g., racism, climate change). The list includes resources on other issues that require framework users must consider such as anti-oppression and critical allyship.