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Online Course

Roots of health inequity [Online course]

This web-based course for the public health workforce, is hosted by the National Association of County and City Health Officials and explores the underlying causes of social injustice and health inequity, and public health’s role in building healthier communities by addressing those root causes.

Introduction to health equity [Online course]

This self-directed introductory online course from the NCCDH and Public Health Ontario is designed to build knowledge, skills and competencies in health equity work. Updates made in 2023 include refreshed content and updated links.

Achieving health equity for LGBT people

This interactive online module from the National LGBT Health Education Center explores health inequities experienced by LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) communities and how to address associated healthcare disparities and impact on population health.

Learning Essentials for Advancing Health Equity series

This collection of resources created jointly by Alliance for Healthier Communities and Access Alliance was developed to support organization-level capacity to address health inequities in healthcare access and quality, as well as health outcomes in community health services.