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Managing your business during COVID-19

This webpage from the Government of Canada provides links to economic supports for individuals, communities, Indigenous Peoples and multiple sectors for navigating the circumstances related to COVID-19.

COVID-19 related resources

This website repository from the Network for the Advancement of Black Communities offers resources related to housing, education, mental health, and other equity implications of COVID-19 for racialized communities.

COVID 19 and the disability movement

This website from the International Disability Alliance offers links to resources addressing the rights of people with disabilities and recommendations for inclusive pandemic response.

Equitable response community commons

This resource hub from the Center for Urban and Racial Equity offers a variety of resource types related to financial assistance, working conditions, healthcare access and policy actions for communities most vulnerable to the negative effects of COVID-19.

Coronavirus 2019: Reducing stigma

This website from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers information specific to addressing stigma and discrimination due to COVID-19.