Transformer les systèmes de santé et de services sociaux pour mieux répondre aux besoins des personnes 2ELGBTQI+ d’expression française en milieu minoritaire

Transforming social and health service systems to better meet the safety, inclusion, and equity needs of French-speaking 2SLGBTQI+ individuals in a minority setting French-speaking 2SLGBTQI+ individuals in Manitoba are faced with unique challenges at the crossroads of their sexual orientation, their gender identity, and their status as members of a linguistic minority. During this webinar, participants will be given the opportunity to explore two of the Collectif LGBTQ* du Manitoba key research projects. The webinar will end with a presentation of the project now underway—Vers des soins pour tous.tes (Towards care for all)—which explores how health systems can be made more accessible and equitable for 2SLGBTQI+ individuals.
Registerqueer researcher, speaker, mental health worker, graduate student in Counselling Psychology at McGill University
Research Associate, Collectif LGBTQ* du Manitoba
Advancing health equity in organizations and systems using frameworks as a tool

This webinar will present results of a 2023 review of the literature which identified 47 actionable health equity frameworks. Key themes about co-creation, use and implementation of frameworks were identified by public health practitioners and will be highlighted in this session. In this webinar, panelists from three organizations, a local public health unit in Ontario, a provincial health agency in Nova Scotia, and a state health and wellbeing agency in Queensland, Australia, will share their practical stories about laying the groundwork and implementing health equity frameworks. They will highlight opportunities and challenges experienced.
RegisterSocial Determinants of Health, Public Health Nurse, Eastern Ontario Health Unit
Program Manager, Chronic Disease Prevention & Wellbeing, Injury Prevention, and Health Equity, Eastern Ontario Health Unit
Acting Executive Director, Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness
Evaluation and Impact Manager, Health and Wellbeing Queensland, Australia