December 11, 2017 | 1:00 p.m.–2:30 p.m. (ET)
Webinar: Building for mental health: Healthy built environments for children and youth
This webinar will focus on factors in the urban built and social environments that promote child and youth mental health, as well as how public health can work to support these factors through upstream approaches. The built environment refers to structures, spaces and products created or modified by people. Elements such as housing, transportation, buildings and urban green space (e.g., parks, gardens, playing fields) and blue space (e.g., waterfronts) intersect with the natural and social environments to impact mental health. Children and youth are particularly vulnerable to physical and social factors that promote or impede the development of positive mental health.
Content will include research that explores:
- how positive mental health in children and youth is impacted by characteristics of built and social environments;
- the intersection between built and social environments and how they impact child and youth mental health;
- equity-related influences within built and social environments on child and youth mental health; and
- the role of public health in promoting population mental health through built environment initiatives.
The goals of this webinar are:
- to offer evidence and define roles for public health practitioners that will inform policy actions to address inequities; and
- to create healthy built environments that promote child and youth mental health.
This webinar can support efforts to meet Medical Officer of Health competencies, especially “communication, collaboration and advocacy for the public’s health.”
Our speakers: