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Access to health services

A bridge to universal healthcare: The benefits of Ontario’s program to make hospital care accessible to all residents of the province

In March 2020, Ontario's Ministry of Health temporarily expanded hospital funding to cover all uninsured residents. This report gathers data from health care professionals to document how this unique funding expansion impacted the health and well-being of uninsured individuals.

Hospital care for patients uninsured due to immigration status during the COVID-19 pandemic in Toronto: Lessons from front-line knowledge translation

Migrants are systemically excluded from universal health coverage, an important social determinant of health. This article describes a model of knowledge translation led by front-line workers to improve access to health services for migrants living in Ontario.

Social, political, commercial, and corporate determinants of rural health equity in Canada: an integrated framework

Many health policies are urban-centric, focused on cost-effective considerations, and do not address inequities faced by rural communities. This commentary proposes a framework to assist public health practitioners, policy-, and decision-makers to consider and build health equity in rural communities in Canada.