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Indigenous health

COVID-19 and the decolonization of Indigenous public health

This article from Richardson and Crawford argues that principles of Indigenous self-determination, leadership and knowledge must be at the forefront of pandemic public health planning. It is rooted in an awareness of Canada’s colonial history and current colonial practices that underpin inequities in the social determinants of health experienced by Indigenous Peoples.

Resources on health equity in the context of COVID-19 and disproportionate outcomes for marginalized groups

Ce répertoire de la National Academy of Medicine des États-Unis donne accès à certaines ressources des organismes membres de l’académie qui portent sur la corrélation entre l’équité en santé et l’inégalité des pronostics des gens atteints de la COVID-19, avec une attention particulière sur l’incidence du racisme structurel.

Webinars on racism, anti-racism and racial equity

The National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health (NCCDH) has produced a suite of webinars and other related resources that, when reviewed together, serve as a substantive primer on racism, anti-racism and racial equity as they relate to public health practice.

Caring for vulnerable populations during the pandemic

This webinar recording from the College of Family Physicians of Canada explores populations in Canada who are most vulnerable to COVID-19 due to structural inequities. These populations include Indigenous communities, those who are socially isolated, care home residents with disabilities and people who experience homelessness.

COVID-19 and Indigenous peoples

This web page from the United Nations offers links to statements and declarations calling for the prioritization of the needs of Indigenous peoples around the world in response to the COVID-19 global pandemic.